Transfer Students

The Environmental Sciences program welcomes applications from community college students who are prepared to enter as junior-level majors. To be considered for admission to UCSC as an environmental science major, transfer students must pass equivalents of the following courses with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher:

  • CHEM 3A, 3B/BL, and 3C/CL General Chemistry
  • MATH 11A and MATH 11B, Calculus with Application (or equivalent; see below)
  • PHYS 6A and PHYS 6L, Introductory Physics I with Lab

In addition, we strongly recommend that all transfer students complete equivalents of the following preparatory courses prior to transfer:

  • PHYS 6B and PHYS 6M, Introductory Physics II with Lab
  • EART 5, 10 or 20 Geology

­Students planning to transfer to UCSC as an environmental sciences major from a California community college should reference to determine which courses are equivalent to these required courses. Having this coursework completed prior to transferring allows students greater flexibility in scheduling and completing their major. Transfer students planning on attending UCSC to pursue an environmental sciences major should review the transfer preparation information.

California community college students who are prepared for their major and achieve a certain GPA may be eligible for a transfer admissions guarantee (TAG); for more information visit:

Sample Transfer (Two-Year) Planner

This planner assumes that students have completed all lower-division requirements other than ESCI 30, ENVS 25, and EART 20 and EART 20L.

Year Fall Winter Spring Summer (optional)
Entering KRSG 1T
Summer Edge (optional)
3rd (junior) ESCI 30 ENVS 25 ESCI 100B
ESCI 160 ESCI 100A EART 20 & EART 20L
4th (senior) Upper-division
ESCI 191 or
ESCI 195*

*Students expecting to write a senior thesis (ESCI 195) for their comprehensive requirement should contact the department at least three quarters before graduation to identify the intended project and faculty adviser. Senior theses usually require at least three quarters for completion.