Program Learning Outcomes

The ESCI major has three broad Program Learning Outcomes, each with three specific learning outcomes:

PLO#1:  Disciplinary Knowledge Goals

  1. Reservoirs: Understand and describe the properties of the various environmental “reservoirs”, which represent different, interacting physical regimes. For example, a global model might have the atmosphere, oceans, plants and soils as four primary interacting reservoirs.
  2. Processes: Understand and describe the processes governing the properties and evolution of Earth’s physical environment, i.e. the properties and evolution of reservoirs and their interactions.
  3. Application: Apply the knowledge of reservoirs and processes to explain, analyze and predict phenomena within the environmental sciences.

PLO#2: Quantitative Reasoning Goals

  1. Calculation: Utilize mathematical tools (e.g. algebra, calculus) to address questions in the environmental sciences.
  2. Visualization: Interpret and produce visual representations of data in the environmental sciences (e.g. graphs and charts) that conform to disciplinary standards.
  3. Analysis: Use quantitative analysis as the basis for drawing insights and conclusions, while expressing the appropriate assumptions and qualifications.

PLO#3: Written Communication Goals

  1. Mechanics: Write sentences with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  2. Conventions: Accurately utilize the formatting, stylistic, citation and bibliographic conventions of environmental sciences in the written document.
  3. Organization: Construct paragraphs, sections and an overall document that flows logically and persuasively argues a thesis.